Móbilis30 for under 31s

On the occasion of the publication on the date of DECREE LAW 2/2025, of January 28, of the Consell, which establishes temporary reductions in rates in certain public transport services that are the responsibility of the Generalitat, between February 1 and June 30, 2025, among them, the extension of the temporary gratuity for young people established in the integration titles issued by the Metropolitan Transport Authority of Valencia until June 30, 2025 is announced.

The extension of the temporary gratuity for young people under 31 years of age is provided for, until June 30, 2025, by which the free or total temporary reduction of the sale price to the public of the SUMA Temporalitat title or Free Temporal Jove season ticket, owned by ATMV, is agreed and its conditions of use for young people, or the regulation that replaces it, are modified, with effect from February 1 2025.

  • The free titles will be aimed at people with Spanish nationality or foreign nationality with legal residence in Spain and, from the age of 14, with a youth card. Go to IVAJ webpage.
    • Legal residence in Spain is accredited with the DNI or TIE (Foreigner Identification Card) or a resident certificate that can be obtained from this link on the National Police website.
  • Young people under 31 years of age who had obtained the Free Temporal Jove season ticket prior to the entry into force of this decree law may continue to use it under the terms set out in this article.
  • From the date of entry into force of this decree law, free tickets will be loaded onto personalised cards. Also, from 1 May 2025, free tickets already issued loaded onto non-personalised card, will not be accepted, and this date may be delayed by resolution of the person holding the presidency of the Autoritat de Transport Metropolità de València, depending on the progress in the distribution and marketing of personalised card.
  • No card will be sent outside Spain.
  • Appointments requested by users until 31 January will be attended to as before in the centres authorised for this purpose.

Visit the ATMV website to request the new personalized Móbilis30 supports for people under 31 years of age.

These requests will be issued and sent by post to the applicant’s home address, provided that they reside in Spain.


Personal Data Protection

Your personal data are processed by the AUTORITAT DE TRANSPORT METROPOLITÀ DE VALÈNCIA, ATMV, in its capacity as Data Controller and incorporated into the Processing Activity “MANAGEMENT OF PERSONALISED CARDS” and “COORDINATION OF THE ACTIVITY OF THE PUBLIC PASSENGER TRANSPORT OPERATORS COMPETENCY OF THE ATMV” for the purpose of managing and monitoring the issuing and use of personalised cards in the Espai del Client (Customer Area), both of ATMV and those integrated with other operators: registration, duplicates, restoration, renewal, reactivation, blocking, destruction, etc. and management of transport procedures; mandates; communications and authorisations ex officio or at the request of transport operators, whose activity is coordinated by the ATMV, respectively. Articles 6.1.a, 6.1.b and 6.1.c of the General Data Protection Regulation are the basis of lawfulness regarding processing. The data will be kept for the time necessary to fulfil the purpose for which they were collected and to determine the possible responsibilities that may arise.

Your data may be disclosed in the cases provided for by law as well as when the communication is necessary for the management of the corresponding procedure in fulfilment by ATMV of a mission in the public interest or in the exercise of public powers. International data transfers are not provided for.

You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, portability and opposition by submitting a request to the ATMV. You must specify which of these rights you are requesting to be satisfied and, if you do not authorise the collection of identity data of the applicant or, if applicable, of the legal representative, you must provide the corresponding documentation proving the identity and representation. You may also exercise your rights electronically through the following link: https://atmv.gva.es

Likewise, if you consider that your right to personal data protection has been violated, you may file a complaint with the Data Protection Delegate of the Generalitat Valenciana (dpd@gva.es) or, as the case may be, before the Spanish Data Protection Agency (www.aepd.es).

More information regarding the processing of personal data at the ATMV can be found in the Transparency, Data Protection Information section of https://atmv.gva.es/