Write down the key words of your question
Our questions
Can I travel with my scooter on the metro and tram?
Transport of bicycles and scooters is temporarily not permitted
Can I travel with my bicycle on the metro and tram?
Transport of bicycles and scooters is temporarily not permitted
I want to cancel or annul my appointment
1.- Enter the website with your email address and the password you chose to access the site.
2.- Click on this link https://www.metrovalencia.es/en/appointment/
3.- ‘My appointments’ tab, ‘Cancel’ button.
I have an appointment and I want to change the time
To change the time of your appointment, you must cancel the one you already have and request a new one.
I have an appointment and I want to change the date
To change the date of your appointment, you must cancel the one you already have and request a new one.
What is a valid transport document?
The validity of a transport ticket will be determined, in addition to its corresponding validation, by the adequacy of its use to the modal, zonal, temporal, material and personal areas that it possesses, by the use of the support by its holder in the cases that apply and for not exceeding the maximum travel time.
For these purposes it is understood by:
- modal scope, mode of transport, Metrovalencia, EMT, Metrobús or Renfe.
- zonal scope, area of validity of the title, appears in the fares table.
- temporal scope, duration of validity of the title set by one of the following criteria: expiration date, change in rates or because it is for immediate use (simple paper or regularization title).
- material scope, balance in travel or in euros.
- personal scope, if the title is anonymous or personalized. The latter can only be used by its owner.
- Maximum travel time for the zonal combination of the title, appears in the fares table.
What to do in case of emergency or if you see something that could put safety at risk?
- Call 112
- Notify through intercoms
- Contact FGV staff or a security guard
- Call Metrovalencia Customer Service 900 46 10 46
If I have a TuiN title, can I change to a SUMA title?
To be able to load a SUMA ticket on the same card in which a TuiN title was contained, as long as it was not customised, the ticket can only be loaded when it is used up or has less than 1 euro left and only at Metrovalencia sales points (ticket offices, vending machines and customer service offices).
If the user has a customised TUIN, he/she must purchase a new card to obtain the new SUMA tickets.
Until when will the 50% discount on transportation tickets be maintained?
The temporary 50% partial reduction will be applied on sale until 30 June, 2025.
Can a ticket be exchanged for another SUMA ticket with the new zoning? (effective as of 6 March, 2023)
Yes, it can be redeemed in the sales networks by paying the difference, if any.
If I have an ABC or BC combination ticket to go to the airport, will I be able to use it to go to the airport even if I have changed the zone to +?
Yes, you will still be able to use it if it has been charged or recharged before 2023 March 6.
If I bought a ticket before the new zones came into effect (6 March, 2023), until when can I continue to use it?
It may continue to be used until 31 January, 2024.
What zonal combination do I need?
There are different types of zonal combinations. Those zones that include the “+” symbol are used for journeys to and from the Aeroport stop.
In order to familiarise yourself with the plan, the main rule to keep in mind is that the appropriate zone combination is the one that contains, at least, all the fare zones through which the trip runs. When the transit is made through the zonal overlap, the route will be considered to be made through zones A or B, depending on which best suits the user.
It should therefore be noted that in the event that the route passes through the city of Valencia or the Empalme stop, the ticket must contain zone A in any case.
For example, a Metrovalencia journey from Llíria to Bétera involves a trip leaving from zone B to reach another destination in zone B but necessarily passing through a stop in A (Empalme). Therefore, as zone A is crossed, the title should contain zone A, so two zones (AB) should be paid.
For a transport ticket to be considered valid, it is necessary that it includes all the zones through which the journey to be made by the selected mode of transport is to be carried out.
* In the case of journeys that overlap zones from or to the destination: It is recommended to buy a combination of zone A if the usual journeys are from/to Valencia city and B if the journeys are from/to the municipalities of zone B (Llíria, Serra, Sagunt, etc.).
** In the event that the route passes through the city of Valencia or the Empalme stop, the ticket must always contain zone A.
Which tickets have a 50% discount?
The temporary partial reduction of 50% aplies to SUMA 10, SUMA Monthly, SUMA Monthly jove, TuiN tickets and temporary Metrovalencia season tickets until 30 June, 2025.
What is the price of the SUMA Mensual Jove?
The benefit of this season ticket for holders of the Carnet Jove is a 15% discount on the sale price of the SUMA Mensual.
What do the zones consist of?
The zonal distribution of the different transport operators (Metrovalencia, EMT, MetroBus, Renfe Cercanías) is made up of four areas with an overlap area and a fare supplement area (+) for the Airport stop. This new zoning became operational on 6 March 2023.
– Metrovalencia: zones A, B and +
– EMT: zone A
– MetroBus: zones A, B and C
– Renfe cercanías: A, B, C and D.
Click on this link to access the maps of each transport operator.
What do I have to do to benefit from the extension of the free Temporary Youth Season Ticket until January 31?
The extension of free travel until January 31, 2025 is updated automatically.
On what media can the coordination tickets be loaded?
The following table lists the types of coordination tickets that can be loaded on each type of holder card:
Anonymous coordination tickets | Customised coordination tickets | ||
Anonymous ATMV Móbilis/SUMA | Yes | No | |
Anonymous Metrovalencia Móbilis/SUMA (PVC, cardboard) | Yes* | No | |
Customised ATMV Móbilis/SUMA | Yes | Yes, SUMA Mensual | |
Customised ATMV jove Móbilis/SUMA | Yes | Yes, SUMA Mensual Jove | |
Metrovalencia’s customised Móbilis | Gent Major | No | No |
Mobilitat | No | No | |
TuiN | No | No | |
TuiN Jove | No | No |
* In the event that a TuiN ticket is loaded, the card can be used as long as the balance is less than 1 euro and it passes through a Metrovalencia customer service point or at the vending machines of said operator.
If you have a TuiN ticket, what happens when tariffs change?
If the user wants to continue with the TuiN ticket, the current Metrovalencia fares will be applied.
If a user has cards associated with a single mode of transport (e.g.: the Renfe & Tú card from Renfe Cercanías), can SUMA be charged?
The +Renfe & Tú Contactless Card is not a valid card for loading the SUMA tickets. The user must purchase or use a SUMA or Móbilis card.
However, the +Renfe & Tú tickets will continue to exist with the fares applied by the Renfe operator at all times and with the operator’s zone plans.
Where can I buy the new SUMA tickets?
SUMA tickets can be purchased at all the usual points of sale
- At the ticket offices and vending machines in Metrovalencia stations.
- At ticket offices and vending machines at Renfe Cercanías stations.
- At kiosks, stalls and other usual points of sale of the ATMV sales network.
- Through the RecargaSUMA app.
If you want a SUMA Mensual or a SUMA Mensual Jove you need a specific customised card to load those tickets, unless you already have a customised Móbilis card owned by ATMV. This card is available upon request:
- In person
- At the ATMV Customer Service Office located on the mezzanine floor of the Colón metro station, with prior appointment obtained from the ATMV website.
- At Logista points of sale (kiosks, stalls, etc.). They will do the paperwork and then you can pick it up at the ATMV office or at the point of sale.
You must bring your ID card and a passport or driving license photograph. In addition, if you want a SUMA Jove you must also bring your Carnet Jove.
The cost of the personalised card is €4.
- Online
If you prefer not to make an appointmentand want to carry out the process faster, a personalised card can be requested through the website atmv.gva.es.
To carry out this procedure it is necessary to provide your ID card and a passport or driving license photo online. In addition, if you want a SUMA Jove you must also bring your Carnet Jove. Once requested, ATMV will make the card and you will receive an email when it is ready. Next, you will be able to go through:
- The ATMV Customer Service Office located on the mezzanine floor of the Colón metro station for walk-in pick-up.
- Or receive it by mail for an additional €1.
When I transfer free of charge between different means of transport, do I have to validate my ticket again?
Yes, every time you board a means of transportation it is necessary to validate the ticket for it to be considered valid.
SUMA: How long does the free transfer last?
In the case of SUMA 10, the free transfer can be made within 90 minutes of the first validation if you travel in one zone or within 110, 130 or 140 minutes if you travel in two, three or four zones, respectively. For example, it will be possible to travel to València from Castellò on the Cercanías and get free access to an EMT bus or Metrovalencia metro when arriving in València.
In the case of SUMA Mensual, journeys and transfers are unlimited during its validity period.
The time starts counting from the first validation.
SUMA: Do I have to buy a new card?
There is a specific design for this card identified with the word SUMA, but it is not necessary to purchase a new card to use the new tickets. If you have an anonymous, unexpired, plastic or cardboard Móbilis card, you will be able to load the SUMA 10 ticket on it.
To enjoy the advantages of the SUMA Mensual card you need a personalised ATMV card, and you can use an old personalised Móbilis card if it has not expired.
What are the advantages of the unique SUMA card?
The SUMA card makes it easier and cheaper to use the same card to travel on Metrovalencia, EMT, Metrobus, Renfe local trains and urban transport in Paterna and Sagunt, and also to make a free transfer between different forms of transport, or between two different EMT or Metrobus lines, provided that the zonal combination allows it.
The following journeys are considered free transfers:
- Between different operators (e.g. EMT- Renfe, Metrovalencia-Renfe, Metrobus-Renfe, Metrobus-Renfe, Metrovalencia-EMT, Metrovalencia-Metrobus, Metrobus-EMT, urban operator-Metrobus, urban operator-EMT, urban operator-Metrovalencia, urban operator-Renfe)
- Between two different EMT lines
- Between two different Metrobus lines
- Between two different lines of the urban operator
Remember that transfers between metro and tram do not count as a transfer. For example, a user can take the metro + tram + EMT using a single SUMA 10 journey.
I have a company and I need to load tickets of the ATMV (Agència de Transports Metropolitana de València) for my staff. What do I have to do?
Write an email to atmv.empresas@gva.es and request a quote for the tickets you need. Once approved, it will be necessary to make a bank transfer for the amount of the purchase and agree on a date to pick up the cards and/or loadings and the invoice. If personalised cards are requested, the necessary documentation must be provided through this form.
What is SUMA?
SUMA are the tickets of the Autoritat del Transport Metropolità de València (ATMV) hat allow you to travel with the same card throughout the Metropolitan Area using Metrovalencia, EMT, RENFE Cercanías y MetroBus as well as urban transport in some municipalities (Paterna and Sagunt). This new ticket also allows you to make a free transfer between different means of transport or between two different EMT or MetroBus lines or the urban operator of Paterna or Sagunt. .
Can I travel with my pets on the metro and tram?
Only guide dogs and assistance dogs are allowed access to and can travel within our installations. If you wish to travel with dogs or other small domestic animals, you can do so if they travel in cages or carriers and they do not soil installations or bother other passengers. You can do so free of charge.
I lost a personal object at Metrovalencia facilities. What should I do?
Contact Customer Service at (900 46 10 46) and we will inform you whether we have found it and how you can retrieve it.
I’m a pensioner. What travel card is best for me?
If you only wish to take one journey, you can request a Pensioner personalized card and get a 50% discount on the fare for a single ticket (with a minimum cost of a single ticket for 1 zone) when you charge it onto a personalized Pensioner card. If you wish to travel more frequently, we recommend you consult the information on the rest of our tickets.
I am retired. What travel card is best for me?
If you are over 65 years old, you can take advantage of the benefits offered by the Seniors card to access unlimited journeys during 30 days. In any case, if you only wish to take one journey, you can obtain a 50% discount on the fare of a single ticket (with a minimum cost of a single ticket for 1 zone) if you charge it onto a personalized Seniors card.
I am a member of a single-parent family. Are there discounts I can take advantage of?
If you have a single-parent family accreditation issued by the Generalitat, you can request the single-parent family card at Customer Service Centres or at the Metrovalencia web site. You can charge any Metrovalencia transport ticket with the same percentage of discount as large families. The personalized single-parent family card is valid for one year and you can reactivate it at Customer Service Centres by presenting the required documents.
I am part of a large family. Are there discounts I can take advantage of?
If you have a large family accreditation issued by the Generalitat or a competent organism in another autonomous community, you can request the personalized large family card at Customer Service Centres. You can charge Metrovalencia transport tickets on it with a 20% or 50% discount, according to whether you pertain to a large family in the general or special category.
Up to what age do children travel free?
On the Metrovalencia network (metro and tram lines) Children under 10 may travel free of charge while accompanied by an adult with a valid transport ticket. A maximum of 2 children may travel per each adult. FGV may request document to prove children’s age.
I’m a tourist spending a few days. What travel card is best for me?
The ticket SUMA T: Unlimited travel for one person for 24, 48 or 72 hours from the first validation for the AB combination and the ticket SUMA T+: Unlimited travel for one person for 24, 48 or 72 hours from the first validation for the AB+ combination (including the Aeroport stop).
I want to travel on metro/tram and also bus. What travel card is best for me?
Undoubtedly the SUMA tickets, integrated tickets for travel on Metrovalencia, EMT, MetroBus and Renfe Cercanías transport operators.
I have a recognized disability of 64% and over. What travel card is best for me?
You can take advantage of the benefits offered by the monthly or annual Mobilitat card. It is charged on a specific personalized card and allows you to take unlimited journeys throughout the Metrovalencia network during 30 days or one year respectively, starting from the first validation.
I’m over 65 years old. What travel card is best for me?
You can take advantage of the benefits offered by the Seniors card. It is charged on a specific personalized card and allows you to take unlimited journeys throughout the Metrovalencia network during 30 days.
I need to travel a lot. What travel card is best for me?
The SUMA card is the best option. The SUMA card makes it easier and cheaper to use the same card to travel on Metrovalencia, EMT, Metrobus, Renfe local trains and urban transport in Paterna and Sagunt, and also to make a free transfer between different forms of transport, or between two different EMT or Metrobus lines. Remember that transfers between metro and tram do not count.
I need to take few journeys. What travel card is best for me?
The Single (one journey) title is the most suitable for people who travel little. In addition, there is the SUMA 10 title, a 10-trip title for journeys within a certain zone combination.
How long do I have to complete my journey on Metrovalencia lines?
Time starts at the moment you validate your transport ticket, includes changeovers until you have finished your journey and it varies according to the number of zones and it the transport ticket is integrated or not:
- In case of Metrovalencia tickets, The maximum travel time between metro and tram lines is 90 minutes for journeys in zonal combinations consisting of 1 zone (A, B or B+) and 150 minutes for journeys in the rest of the zonal combinations (AB or AB+), counted from the first validation of the ticket.
- The maximum transfer time with coordination tickets and maximum travel time per stage for one zone times are 90, 110, 130 and 140 minutes for combinations of one, two, three and four zones respectively, counted from the first validation of the ticket.
When the journey is made with a ticket without an associated fare zone combination, the maximum journey time shall be determined by the route taken, according to the times indicated in the previous paragraph.
What is the price of SUMA Mensual Jove?
The benefit of this pass for holders of the Carnet Jove is a 15% discount on the sale price of the SUMA Mensual.
What is a support?
It is a physical means on which transport tickets are charged. It is a card with an incorporated chip that works when held close to the reader. It can be made of cardboard or PVC. It is reusable. You can either recharge it with the same type of ticket or charge it with a different type once the prior ticket charge has been used.
What does recharging a ticket mean?
It means to purchase the same transport ticket as the one previously charged on your card.
What does it mean to register a card?
It is a procedure by which an anonymous card (not personalized) is linked to a person. It is done on our website and it allows you to take advantage of certain benefits like recharging your card online, recovering card in case of loss, etc.
What should I do if I have a problem with my card (it has been stolen or lost, it doesn’t work correctly …)?
If your card is registered on the Metrovalencia website or if it is a personalised Metrovalencia card, you should go to a Customer Service Centre where we will inform you of the different possible solutions, according to the characteristics of your card. You can also inquire at the Customer service line 900 46 10 46 or in Twitter or Facebook.
What does to charge a ticket mean?
It means to purchase a transport ticket on a new support or on a support you have previously used which had a different ticket charged on it that has expired or didn’t have any balance.
What does validate a transport ticket mean?
When you hold your card close to the reader on the validating machine or the access to platforms and validity of the ticket charged onto it is verified to allow passage.
What do I need to travel with Metrovalencia?
You need a support on which you have charged a valid transport ticket for the journey you wish to take: that corresponds to the fares zones you will travel through, it must be valid and validated.