New bus-metro connections between València Sud, Safranar and Jesús.

Normal service frequency resumed. FGV has been working for weeks on the renovation of the set of access roads and auxiliary roads of València Sud, destroyed by the floods suffered on October 29. The completion of part of these works...
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13 of February of 2025

New bus-metro connections between València Sud, Safranar and Jesús.

Normal service frequency resumed.

FGV has been working for weeks on the renovation of the set of access roads and auxiliary roads of València Sud, destroyed by the floods suffered on October 29.

The completion of part of these works will allow trains on Lines 1, 2 and 7 of Metrovalencia to reach this station on February 18, 2025.

With the opening of València Sud, there are 127 stations and stops in service and 20 out of service on the Paiporta-Castelló section.

Following the opening of València Sud, the next step is to restore traffic to Castelló, subject to the reconstruction of the most affected section in Paiporta and which includes the section that links the station with València Sud and the bridge that crosses the Poyo ravine, also in Paiporta. The forecast is to complete all these works before the summer of 2025.

New network plan, in this link


Restoration of the usual frequencies

With the opening of València Sud, practically all the frequencies that passed before the floods are restored, except for the night service.

New bus-metro connections

The trains on Lines 1 (Bétera), 2 (Llíria) and 7 (Marítim) will end their journey in València Sud, where passengers will be able to board buses that connect with the towns of Picanya and Paiporta.

The València Sud car park for private vehicles will be opened gradually with the aim of offering, once its conditioning is complete, more than 200 spaces.

The Picassent – València, Alginet – València, L’Alcudia – València and Castelló – València shuttles arrive at Avenida Giorgeta, 39-18 in València, to be able to connect from there to Jesús, the Metrovalencia station.

The Torrent – València shuttle arrives at Safranar (C/ Campos Crespo 57 and 58) to access the Safranar Metrovalencia station.